Welcome to the Piano Studio of Gail Lytle Lira

Music not only touches people’s souls, it also shapes our growing minds. Research shows that when children sing or play an instrument they become better readers, thinkers and learners.

The Piano Studio of Gail Lytle Lira is located in East Lansing, Michigan and offers piano lessons for children and adults, collaboration, coach/accompanying, and event performances.

Piano excerpts are performed by Gail on various pages.

“(My son) was practicing for me, and his work on the pieces brought tears to my eyes. You have somehow found a key that unlocked an enthusiasm that I had been ready to give up as lost – Thank You!  He even suggested he play for his grandparents the other night!  Whatever you are doing – my applause – and my thanks!” – N. K.

“It takes a special talent to do what you do. Your coaching with music will enrich (my daughter’s) life for a long time.” – M. A.